• Part 1

      Experts explain how the Internet can be a positive and negative window into a world. It is one of the most powerful tools out there for teens, and can be a dangerous tool if not used properly.

    • Part 2

      Erica Bryant shares her real-life experiences with cyberbullying and how she and her parents dealt with the situation.

    • Part 3

      The Internet can expose kids to sites that can be very dangerous. Hillary Griffin shares her story of an anorexia site that led her to adopt the eating disorder.

    • Part 4

      Real stories explore the ways that the Internet can create false identities and false relationships, and can be a window for predators to contact kids and teens.

    • Part 5

      Explore the role parents and teachers play to help kids become wise digital citizens.

  • The Internet Generation

    Grade Level: Middle & High School

    About the Program

    Help even tech-savvy kids think about what they need to know to protect themselves online… from others and their own behavior.


    Segment lessons are for middle and high school students. The Resource Guide includes an elementary lesson, fact sheet and tip sheet for parents.

    Resource Guide

    Family Viewing Guide

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